Saturday, April 30, 2011

earth boxes.

I dream of having a green thumb like my parents. The reality is that my thumb is pathetic. It tries, almost every growing season it tries but defeat takes over about mid-season. I once planted 2 square foot gardens and had 2 tomato plants flourish. Nothing else. Mostly because I didn't know what I was doing and two I didn't care enough. Well, really, I got scared. Lysle told me one afternoon to be very careful when moving tomato limbs because tarantulas like to hide out in them. "Wait ... WHAT?" I never touched the plants again. That's not true, if I could see a big red ball on the outside of the plant I would pick it but left many on the inside. There will be no tarantula touching for this gal.

I have supportive parents. They see my green thumb dreams and try to help me fulfill them. For instance, they bought me 2 Earth Boxes for my birthday this last year. It was my first time using one. I certainly liked the concept. A water reservoir that gets filled every few days. NICE! Sign me up for that!
To set it up we had to first: get several cups of their potting mix wet. Evann was the mixer. She had no problem getting involved in the dirt preparations!

We took the moistened mix and packed it as best we could into the sectioned referred to as the wick (perhaps I refer to it as that, I dunno). Apparently this moist soil will act as a wick to the rest of the soil above the grate. Below the grate is the water reservoir. You then add the fill tube and the rest of the soil.

Even the little man got into the groove.

All the kids were engaged by the end of the project. Here they are covering up the fertilizer filled tights that lay just below the potting mix. I have planted 2 tomato plants in this container. Hopefully there will be no chance of tarantulas ... I hope. The only downfall is that there is no place to put a cage up so I have to find another solution to support these babies.

I am excited to see these boxes in action. I hope I am successful and have something to show. The kids love to see the baby tomatoes growing. But like most babies, my kids want to manhandle them which usually leads to the baby's demise in some fashion. They are hard on things. I wonder if my little tomato babies will survive. Three of my gorgeous Stargazer Lily's died as a direct result of a child's prodding. I was pretty upset about that but after all they are just flowers AND they will grow back again next year. Eh! I say. I will keep you updated ... as if you are waiting with bated breath for my update! Ha. Be good. Grow something.