Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 lives

I picked up 2 kittens a couple days ago in an effort to rid my home of mice. These poor itsy bitsy kittens were abandoned by their humans and without their mama. So "mother mode" kicks in and I want to nurse them back to health (as if they were in bad health-I dunno). SO I buy wet cat food and give them the entire can which proved to be a bad idea. Because only one ate from it and he ate it all. 24 hours later dead kitty. Perhaps he overate and couldn't pass it fast enough. Again, I dunno.

So we are down to 1 kitty that has finally allowed itself to be handled by her new humans ... poor kitty didn't know how good she had it BEFORE she allowed us into her life. Darla, um ... I mean, Evann has come to her rescue. Every time she cries Evann goes to get her. Yes, Evann that is also as allergic to cats as her father. She picks her up and nuzzles her face into the belly of the cat. Moments later she emerges with hives but as she puts it, "That's okay." Yes, it's okay until she starts to scratch at her eyeballs and begs for medicine. Poor little girl. I suppose as her mother I should control the situation and forbid her to touch the cat but c'mon she's a little girl, a lover of all animals. And her allergy is not life threatening. A little Benadryl and we're good. A little nap and we are healed.

So this morning is a wonderfully rainy day. It's foggy and wet. I love these days. The wagon was filled with water from rain, several inches. Darla, I mean Evann, thought kitty needed a bath cause "she was all dirty and she got me dirty too!" as Evann puts it. So she drenches and quite possibly holds down the kitty in the pool of water at least 3 times. I say 3 since I keep hearing this horrific sound coming from the cat that many times. I demand the release of her prisoner and make her come inside. I scold her for being mean to the kitty and naturally, "I wasn't being mean, I was just getting her clean." This perhaps is what bathtime is like in Evann's mind. (Note to self: be more gentle while washing hair.)

So all is well and I feed the kids breakfast but I continue to hear that cat wailing. SO I go look for her and she is a fully saturated mess. She is half the cat she was, shaking and trembling. Not happy. So again, mother mode kicks in and I collect the cat and dry her off with an old towel. Not working, she's too wet and cold. So I take her upstairs and blow dry her until she gets her core temperature back up. ;) I left her in the towel in the other part of the house where she is now quite. Perhaps making an escape route in her mind for when she is fully recovered. Or only when she sees Evann lurking. I love my girl. She tries so hard, she's like the that old cartoon about the abominable snowman...


kara said...

darla..that is quite funny..and creative of you. poor evann...poor little kitten. the two will probably have many adventures to come. She is precious. welcome back to the blogging world. i've missed you.

Anonymous said...

I want more. You stopped too soon...
I feel I've neglected you lately in view of the fact that your siblings have been consuming all my waking hours.

katie said...

I think its important to note that both kittens have now gone on to meet their maker. So much for her mothering mode. Good thing she is better with children.