Sunday, December 7, 2008

little people.

I sit here with nothing of consequence to say but felt the urge to ramble. I changed my music. Something I've wanted to do for a while but lacked the time, I suppose. Tonight, I badly wanted to hear these songs listed. Think of it what you will.

The kids are becoming little people. Little people with ideas and plans and wants and desires. I am not sure what to do with this. Jacob seems to want to make a plan for the smallest reasons. I find this tedious and yet very helpful. See, once the plan is in place he at least follows it and tries to help the rest of the crew adhere to it. Sometimes I wish I had thought through our new rules and plans. He's a tricky one and tends to catch me going against the grain. Tonight we made a new rule--no one is allowed to get out of their seat belts until the car has stopped. I've been very relaxed with seat belts. (Truly, I know the danger but it has not been extremely important to me. Go figure)

SO I have been cleaning out the rig for an hour trying to get into those tiny places where fingers can't reach but there seems to be a whole bag of chips smashed. Odd. See, I have to clean the car before I put freshly laundered car seats in there. I have to have freshly laundered car seats in order to feel good about putting my kids in their seats. Truly this is the reason I've been relaxed on car seats. They are dirty. Who wants to sit in a dirty seat? So let's not have them buckled and hope that fate is not tempted and we will survive another trip to ... where ever we go.

Evann is in need of a hair cut. Her hair is pretty nappy but she's not feeling a cut and neither is her father. Neither of which is ever on hair duty. Although, her raggity hair is Evann. It always looks so pretty, fresh out of the tub. Just this morning I looked at her and though-Wow! That is some pretty hair. But now, 4 hours later--not so much. I suppose I will let it keep going the way it is because anything else would be change and I don't like change. Simply put.

Oh my gosh--Isaac. What a character. You all are missing out. Nothing but a live viewing will do this boy justice. He is very helpful. He simply says, "Mom, can I help you?" He can make me melt. Well, he can also make me combust in the same conversation. He is a treasure. They all are.

And Rooster. He is a different kind of character. He is either happy and loving life or screaming his high pitched squeal. Nearly 1 and not really attempting to walk yet. Boy, does he love his daddy.

My urge to ramble has suddenly left me and I cannot finish this post fast enough. So I suppose that is all you are going to get from me tonight. Sleep well all.


kara said...

this is fabulous..and makes me want to cry. just so you know. i miss your little heart breaks reading this and knowing what i am missing. i love you all.

p.s. my hair is are correct..the pics do not do it justice.

katie said...

I was glad to see that I was not the only one who took some time off. We are on the verge of cutting Effie's hair as well. For some reason, waiting seems the best plan of attack. Oh well. Carry on.