Tuesday, July 8, 2008

nothing important.

I really have nothing important to discuss so I will just ramble and see where it goes...
I have been closed off. I've removed myself from whatever I could (many things will not allow this which is disappointing). I feel once I get through the move I will be in a better state of mind and my spirits can then (willingly) be lifted. Right now I just want to be left to wallow. Selfish? Yes, I know. But I need to be right now. At least I tell myself that. No, I do not feel like hurting my kids or leaving my husband. I am happy where they are concerned. Well, I do wish Evann & Isaac would stop having temper tantrums. It drives me insane when Isaac throws himself on the floor and then throws his head back onto whatever is behind him creating a loud thud followed by even more piercing screams. And I stand there fuming as I watch him do this not caring that he has been hurt. Shoot, he deserves it for acting like that. "I hope that hurts Isaac. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you throw yourself onto that tile floor behind you." He doesn't and he'll do it again in the very near future.
Evann is going through the "I don't WANT to" phase. That's just as frustrating. And who am I to be frustrated?? I am essentially doing the same thing. I am a hypocrite. And a negative one at that. Tired too. I will finish something tomorrow. That is once I do some work first. No, my reports are not 100% complete but I did get a lot of work done before my meaningless blog.


kara said...

oh sister. things will look up soon. send your kids my way (yeah..we both wish)!! sorry i can't do anything to help.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I'm not there to help either. We could put them all in a room and shut the door. It's probably very stressful to move, and there is probably no end in sight. Motherhood...the machine that is always ON. Take a deep breath and hope that Isaac has as hard of a head as his father. My love and sympathy.

katie said...

Rynann... I empathize with you in your dark place. Not currently, but soon enough I am sure.