Wednesday, June 17, 2009

love 'em.

I am a fan of food. I realize this is not a shock to y'all but follow me anyway...

I am a real fan of artichokes. An obsessed fan. I don't breathe between bites (but manage to savor every morsel) and I cook a few at a time so I can have enough. They are, hands down, the greatest creation in food. When I was young my mom would have them for us often. My dear, sweet father would give up his so I could have it. I always thought my dad didn't like them and that it wasn't much of a sacrifice but recently (and I mean Christmas 2008) I learned that my dad really does like artichokes. Hm. In all these years it never crossed my mind that he was being a father--making a sacrifice so his child could find joy in her butter soaked heart. (Which I see now that line actually has 2 meanings. Go figure!) I realize this was a simple gesture but it made my day. 2 artichokes! How lucky was I??

As a newly married adult I took my husband to visit my sister Erin in Sacramento. We did as we always do when my family gets together--WE ATE! She bought 6 artichokes, I believe, and we cooked them all! Mind you this is 6 artichokes for 4 adults. Naturally, Erin & I would have to eat 2 of them. Well, Jake took one look and turned his nose up. He eventually tried a bite but vowed it would be his last. What's wrong with him??

We didn't skip a beat. We piled Jake's onto our community plate and our bowl (yes, a bowl) of melted butter and proceeded to sit on the floor of her living room bent over the communal plate and butter and devoured the treats in a matter of minutes. We had melted butter dripping down our arms and mouths. It was soooo good. I looked up at one point to see Jake staring the stare that only he can pull off. He was truly disgusted with the amount of butter I was drinking. C'mon, you've seen his look. His mouth is slightly open revealing dried out teeth with a look of astonishment. He has never been the same since that day. At least when it comes to eating these tasty morsels. He would prefer his kids not ingest that much butter but what can I say--they love 'em too.

So the real point of my story is this. My kids love artichokes too. I have been buying one for each of them and 2 for me. (It's a habit and I do not like change.) We can be found huddled over a communal plate and bowl of butter eating faster than at any other time. We love 'em. Tonight, for the first time, I found myself giving up my artichokes to my kids. We were eating along and I could see they were nearing the end of their chokes. For a moment I hesitated--"what if they are going to try to eat mine?? No way, these are mine." But I quickly handed bite after bite to Ruben and Isaac. Throwing a few by way of Evann and Jacob. They were happy and I was actually happy to share with them. I do love 'em -- my kids, I mean. I must to give up something so scrumptious. It left me with a smile. I do love my kids.


kara said...

yes yes i do know the look you so aptly described. ah, jake. good to hear that you acutally gave up some food for your poor small i believe we have all seen the picture where my mom is gleefully NOT sharing ice cream with me (and my open, waiting mouth), so good to see you being so selfless. besides, artichokes aren't THAT good. :)

katie said...

Kara is wrong. They are. We had them on Sunday and I had to give mine up, well I did it with a smile for Jason's dad, cuz his mom made three for four adults and two girls, Reno naturally doesn't like them, and never will as he won't even try 'em. Anyway, it was father's day so Jason got one to share with the girls, then his mom gave the rest of hers to him, and I gave mine to his dad who was asleep and would have missed out. But my thing is this. Jason taught the girls to enjoy theirs with mayo. So not my style and I kept repeating, honey not so much as I watched effie licking it off her fingers. As for myself, I use the leaf as a bowl and fill it with butter to swallow as I scrape out that tasty morsel. Really. They are just that dang good Kara.